I am saddened to see the available movies that present the culture and morals of the United States to ourselves and the world. The majority of available movies promote violence, sexual predators, anger, promiscuity, drug culture, abuse of men, woman, children and animals, prejudice, killing, bullying, and using power to dominate, intimidate, demoralize and criticize.
Children and teenagers are introduced to this media at an early age when they are not psychologically able to distinguish between fiction and reality. They are looking for love, peace, security, and hope for a safe future. Many children develop fear, have nightmares, are unwilling to sleep by themselves, and hide from life and opportunity after a steady diet of current media including violent games.
Children and teenagers need to experience being loved, cherished, encouraged, and have role models that are positive and nurturing. Movies and media that show individuals and groups overcoming adversity and rising above their environment to achieve higher goals of education, economic security, safe and happy family, homes and neighborhoods, sufficient income and fulfilling jobs can make a difference in many lives.
We are what we do, not what we say we do. Actions speak louder than words. We have the opportunity to make a difference for ourselves and the world if we can harness the power of love and hope in our media. It will be a wonderful gift to our children, teens and citizens of our country. Please monitor the media that your children and teens are exposed to. Remember they need us as role models and guardians of their future.
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