From the Author

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Courage and faith

I have a friend who has major issues with her own health, her daughter, her grandchildren, her sons, her parents and her life in general.  I don't know if I could cope with all she is dealing with.  Grandparents who raise grandchildren are my heroes.  I don't know if I would have the energy to take on such a huge responsibility and do it as well as these grandparents are doing.  I sometimes feel sad because of my health issues but my problems seem so small when I see others who are dealing with so much more.  My friend always finds her strength in her faith.  She is the example of courage as she takes one day at a time with the support of her husband and friends. She teaches by making the most of the gifts that she has and giving the rest of the burden to God to handle. I pray that parents who have decided to have children will find the sense of responsibility to straighten out their own lives so that they can become the parents their children deserve.  With God all things are possible!

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