From the Author

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saints and Sinners

"Every Saint has a past and every sinner has a future."  Oscar Wilde

I like this quote because while I'm familiar with the sinner part of the quote, I am still looking to the future.  I am grateful that I have a future.  I know that everyday is a new chance to make it a better outcome by making a difference in this life.

"How can I get to Heaven?"

"The teacher asked the children in her Sunday School class, "If I sold my house and my car, held a big garage sale, and gave all of my money to the church, would I get into heaven?"

"No!" the children all answered.

Then I said, "If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into heaven?"

Again, the answer was "No!"

"Well," I continued "then how can I get to heaven?"

A five-year-old boy shouted out "You gotta be dead!"

He's right.  We all will die eventually.  I guess the greatest question is " What have we done with the time we have?

"Whether it be treasure, time or talent, we all have something to offer."  Chris Pratt, actor

"There's no cap on success. The jury stays out till you take your last breath.  Judy Sheindlin, Judge

"No matter where you are in the world, somebody will be worse off than you.  And if you think like that, you will always have the mind-set to give back.  Priyanka Chopra, Actor

Be an answer to someone's prayer. Let God worry about the rest!

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