From the Author

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Special Child

I had the opportunity to spend time with my young grandchild who has Down Syndrome.  I think God sends special children to special families.  I was so impressed with Isaiah's older brothers who not only love their brother, but help with his tube feedings, diabetic checks and behavioral issues.  Isaiah smiles easily, loves hugs and one-on-one attention.

Parents of children with disabilities have issues with finding caregivers, affordable health insurance, jobs with care needs and dealing with constant financial issues. Siblings have to share a significant amount of parental time when the child with the disability needs constant supervision.  It is difficult for siblings to have friends visit with the behavioral issues that may be associated with the disability.

I'm sharing a poem written by Edna Massimilla.

Heaven's Very Special Child

A meeting was held so far from Earth.
It was time for another birth.
The Angels said to the Lord above--
"This special child will need much love.
"For progress may be very slow,
"Accomplishments may never show.
"This special child will need much care
"From the people way down there.
"This child may not talk, run or play,
"And thoughts may seem so far away.
"In many ways will not try to adapt
"Known as 'disabled' and 'handicapped'
"Please be careful where this one is sent,
"We want this child to be so content.
"O please, Lord, find the parents who
"Will do a very special job for You.
"They will not realize right away
"The leading role that they have to play.
"But with this child sent from above
"Comes stronger faith and richer love.
"Soon they'll know the privilege given
"In caring for their gift from Heaven.
"Their precious child, so meek and mild
"Is Heaven's very special child."

Isaiah has changed his family in many ways.  I know that every member of the family has developed  empathy, compassion, patience, love and have each acquired skills that they never dreamed of.  Isaiah is both a challenge and a blessing. The world has been given a special gift!

Check out my book, Ebook, and my website

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