From the Author

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


"It takes a lot more strength to be honest with yourself than it does to lie."
Former NFL player, Ryan O'Callaghan

Many of us find opportunities to lie to get out of a tight spot.  "Nobody will know or be hurt," we think. It seems to be the normal thing to do in society.  The problem is--we know!  As we follow up our first lie with others, it requires more lies to keep anyone from finding out the first lie.  Then our lies not only hurt us; they inevitably hurt someone else. The lies continue building until we can no longer keep them straight.  We have lost ourselves, our integrity, our future, and our peace of mind.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

We all have greatness within us.  It takes courage to become true to ourselves and present who we are honestly to our family, friends and the world.  Honesty creates self-worth, self-esteem and the path to self-fulfillment.  We are what we think.

"Be great in act, as you have been in thought."   William Shakespeare

I pray that all of the leaders of the world truly lead in truth, compassion and integrity to protect and ensure the well-being of all of us. We all know our own untruths but God knows also!  We are all responsible for the choices we make. 

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