From the Author

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Positive Thinking

"Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen every time, but accepting that whatever happens is the best for the moment."  Lori Schneider, first woman with multiple sclerosis to summit Mount Everest

In my life, I have found that I used to pray for what I thought would solve my problems but found that the answer was no.  I would often get a different outcome that I never could have imagined.  It was better than what I had requested. Trials in life help us stretch our minds, hearts and souls to become a better, stronger and more innovative person.  It is in the hard times that our true character emerges.  Are we a person who sees the glass as half-empty or half-full? It is our decision and our attitude that can help us appreciate what we have and truly rejoice when others have achievements. I learned to trust in God and make the most of the opportunities I have been given. 

"Faith is a firm trust and conviction that sometimes if God doesn't give you what you think you want, it's not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve better."  David A. R. White, movie producer, from his book, Between Heaven and Hollywood:  Chasing Your God-Given Dream

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


"It takes a lot more strength to be honest with yourself than it does to lie."
Former NFL player, Ryan O'Callaghan

Many of us find opportunities to lie to get out of a tight spot.  "Nobody will know or be hurt," we think. It seems to be the normal thing to do in society.  The problem is--we know!  As we follow up our first lie with others, it requires more lies to keep anyone from finding out the first lie.  Then our lies not only hurt us; they inevitably hurt someone else. The lies continue building until we can no longer keep them straight.  We have lost ourselves, our integrity, our future, and our peace of mind.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

We all have greatness within us.  It takes courage to become true to ourselves and present who we are honestly to our family, friends and the world.  Honesty creates self-worth, self-esteem and the path to self-fulfillment.  We are what we think.

"Be great in act, as you have been in thought."   William Shakespeare

I pray that all of the leaders of the world truly lead in truth, compassion and integrity to protect and ensure the well-being of all of us. We all know our own untruths but God knows also!  We are all responsible for the choices we make. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Truth

We hear in the news about news and fake news, truth and fake truth, and real versus fake politicians.  Statistics and media are often manipulated to the point that nothing is clear or respected. 

"I called an old school friend and asked what he was doing.  He replied that he was working on "Aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel in a constrained environment."
I was impressed. However, on further enquiring I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife's supervision."  Reported in a church bulletin

Everything and anything can be manipulated to make it fit our own goals and belief systems.  Many of us are susceptible when our emotions become entrenched in misinformation, calculated inflamed rhetoric, and in an imperfect and callous legal and law enforcement system. 

It is sad that our leaders, especially politicians, are generally concerned about their own political, financial and personal gain. It is never too late for our world to embrace a change to a moral and caring forgiveness as we learn to govern ourselves fairly and justly. 

"Solomon prayed for prudence and wisdom so that he might govern God's people rightly.  Because his request was unselfish, God granted what he sought.  When we pray, we should make sure that our desires are not motivated by selfishness. We should only want those gifts that help us most to serve others."  Reverend Jude Winkler

"Be sure that you first preach by the way you live.  If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing, but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head."   Saint Charles Borromeo

I pray for all of the leaders of the world to have mercy on the people they govern and for them to respect all other countries and cultures.  We only have one world.  If we destroy it, we all lose.  If we collaborate, we all win. 

Monday, October 2, 2017


The news report everyday about a new area in the world that suffers death and destruction due to terrorists.  Terrorists thrive on creating fear and chaos instead of love and hope. 

"Meology vs. Theology"is a term I heard on a religious program. Collectively we have lost our connection to the origin of life.  God is our creator, our source for all that is good and just. Without God, we focus in on ourselves as our own center of the universe with our own ideas of what is important in our world.  We become victims of Meology, where our goals and rights have precedence over others.  How do we fabricate the right to kill, main, destroy and cause devastation to other human beings? How can we dismiss the pain of others who are not as fortunate as we are?

This is not from God.  

My prayers and empathy are with those who are suffering not just because of natural disasters, but especially for those who experience a man-made hardships that had no cause except for the selfishness and enraged behavior of madmen. I can't imagine the horror of experiencing either man-made or natural catastrophes. My wish for all those affected by these horrible situations is to find God in the midst of your suffering and allow Him to take on your burdens.

"Place your heart gently in the the Lord's wounds.  Have great confidence in His mercy for He will never abandon you."   Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina