From the Author

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Weak But Strong

It is amazing about how many stumbling blocks happen as we go through life.  Many of them are caused by our own selfishness and stupidity. Our poor choices, inability to follow through, or laziness in taking on new challenges can hold us back. Others are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  

Many of us rise from the ashes and take one step at a time as we crawl over our stumbling blocks and emerge triumphant from the pitfalls of life.  It is survival of the journey itself, not only the successes, that defines us. When we put the needs of others ahead of ourselves, we may be considered a worldly failure, but to others we are an earthly angel.  When we have self-respect and the respect of others, we are becoming the best we can be in this life.

Quote:  "The people I'm most impressed by are not the ones who appear to float through life, but those whose weaknesses and failures are exposed in all sorts of undignified ways and yet they emerge stronger as a result."   Sam Weinman, author of Win at Losing:  How Our Biggest Setbacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains."

It is the ability to learn from our mistakes, seek the advice of others, pray for courage and wisdom, and the tenacity to begin again that defines our success.

In my book, I express my love for the very ill, or dying individuals whose bodies are failing but whose spirits are soaring. There are those who willingly choose death to save others. They are all the true heroes of life.

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