From the Author

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Kindness with Words

 Moments of kindness are remembered often for many years, especially by the recipient.  A friend was telling me that after being "shunned" by her religious community due to a divorce, she was traumatized emotionally and spiritually.  She was able to find another, more welcoming and inclusive religious community.  One day, she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, and turned to see another person she knew from her church.  This person had also left the judgmental church setting and was enjoying the freedom of a church that was loving and accepting of all members. He told her he was very happy to see her in this open setting and was looking forward to being co-members of the caring and loving congregation. My friend felt vindicated and loved for herself.  She will remember this special moment for many years. 

"The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart.  So be careful with your words."  Still Moments

Please take the time to make positive memories for the individuals you encounter in your day-to-day life. Heal a heart rather than break it.  You will benefit more than the receiver while you send out your ripples of love and acceptance!

Please check out my Art Gallery, art for sale, vinyl prints, and my Book, "The Dying Teach Us How to Live" at illuminangels,com.   Patricia M Acker