From the Author

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

 Holidays and Politics

It is a tough time with many of the polarized political views.  It is difficult to discuss intense feelings associated with politics such as mandates for Covid, taxes etc.  We all want to be together but it is stressful to enjoy each other unless these hot-button topics can be shelved until the end of the holidays.  How wonderful if we can enjoy the moment and truly love each other with open arms.  

"Today me will live in the moment. Unless it is unpleasant.  In which case me will eat a (Christmas?) cookie."  Cookie Monster, Muppet

"Next time you are discussing an important issue with someone, ask yourself,  'Is this a monologue or a dialogue? Personally, I'm only interested in the latter."  Reese Witherspoon, Actor

Anger and frustration is the absense of love.  It is not possible to love when angry! Make the most of this life and spend more time loving than hating.  The two greatest commandments:  Love God and love others as you love yourself.  I hope you love yourself alot!!! 

Happy Thanksgiving!! Thankful people are happy people.  We can find so much to celebrate if we look for the good in life!!

Check out my new website for an art gallery, sales of original artwork, vinyl prints, and framed vinyl prints.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 "The most wasted of days is one without laughter." E. E. Cummings 

It is hard to find something to laugh about when things are not going well in our lives. I remember when my daughter was about three years old.  I had a newborn in my arms, a two year old and a five year old.  I was feeling overwhelmed with the reponsibilities associated with four young children. I went to change the baby and when I came back, I found toilet paper all over my house, from one end to the other.  

I felt like crying as I didn't think I could handle one more disaster. I asked my three year old daughter why she chose to toilet-paper my home.  She looked up at me and said, "But mom, I just wanted to see how long it was!"  I couldn't help myself when I started laughing slowly at first but eventually I was feeling the tears and the shoulders shaking. It was not the answer I was expecting, for sure! My stress level was slowly declining as I shook with laughter. It is much better than crying, I decided.  

Life is too short to short-change a sense of humor.  My daughter is 48 years old now and that moment is still fresh in my mind because of finding the humor in life, on incident and one day at a time.  When you have the opportunity, try laughing instead of crying! 

Check out my original paintings, vinyl prints, original photos and my books at  My email is